Specializing in larger gaited Tennessee Walking Horse's with great minds and the ability to preform in many different avenues in life. We mainly sell…
I provide most equine services, from shoeing and training to coaching and riding lessons. Beginner up to advanced. Specialize is Helping amateurs…
Miniature Horse Farm in the Ozarks of NW Arkansas. Affordable minis for sale.
Small hobby farm in southeast Kansas.
We offer for sale a limited amount of horses, that have been used for penning cattle here at the ranch, and at the 3 local cattle sales in the area…
Breeding and selling Starbert Foundation Quarter Horses. We have some young horses with 30%+ Oklahoma Star and Bert bloodlines that we will be adding…
blue eyed albino 16.5 hh 1200 lbs whealthy tamed stud loads and pulls good good for little children white holves (tough)
We have a training program that prepares horses for many obstacles they might meet on the trail. We have beautiful Missouri Fox Trotters, Quarter…